Development of knowledge-based web services to promote and advance Industrial Symbiosis in Europe.
1/10/2010 - 30/9/2013
ENVIRECO Consulting participated as associated beneficiary being responsible for the dissemination action and data collection from the industrial activity in Viotia Region.
The general objective is to produce a web based platform for Industrial Symbiosis communities, offering automation, supporting SMEs, considering regional priorities and enabling the public administrators to implement their environmental policy and to monitor environmental and economic consequences.
Actions and means involved:
- Review established practices (procedures, legal documents, frameworks, and guidelines), current workflows, and business relationships to develop the business model representations;
- Prepare the Viotia in Greece as a pilot region to develop the IS service.
- Review waste streams and industrial cases, to develop knowledge models capable of capturing and processing knowledge in IS;
- Prototype and develop a web platform to enable communication between partners and to automate matching partners and rate matches according to economic and environmental objectives;
- Prepare material for the Viotia to train industrial partners on how to use the service, trade waste and build IS links.
- Prepare material for the Viotia to train the Prefecture authorities on how to support, monitor and use the service
- Create an Industrial Symbiosis forum to consolidate a critical mass of champions with a view to establish a community prepared to promote the new paradigm and support the development with useful feedback
- Use the platform as a means to disseminate Industrial Symbiosis in other regions offering general and specialized workshops and training;
- Establish Industrial Symbiosis networks and recruit champions to disseminate IS in Greece, the Balkans and all regions deprived of dedicated government support for Industrial Symbiosis.